The good stuff gathered again.

Hi again! I kind of lost track of the blog the past few weeks. Mostly because I've had limited free time and have been spending what time I do have reading, watching Razorback basketball, or cooking! I just love to sit and look through all the good I've gathered though. These blog posts feel as essential to my well-being as my exercise. Gratitude just works y'all! 

One of the things I am most grateful for is my job, more specifically my students! I just love my library and being librarian. It is my most favorite job I've ever had.  After the winter break I moved the library furniture around and turned the couches towards each other to feel more like a coffee shop or home. The students really like this. 
I used a pinata as a welcome sign to the library.
I like using my creativity at work too, like putting a bunch of blown-up balloons in the bookcase with the books about celebrations around the world. 
I must have taken this on the way to work. No matter how rushed the mornings may feel, I always have time for taking this in.
I'm almost 9 months in of learning to be a runner. The journey thus far has had highs and lows, just like anything. I would say truly overall, I have come to love running. It's definitely a mental game or fight, as much as it is a physical one. Considering last spring I couldn't even run half a mile and now I can do anywhere between 5 miles to almost 11, I'm proud of how far I've come. Plus, the running just does something to my spirit as well. I can't tell you how many times I've been running and finally had the space to really deal with the things deep in my soul.  

I'll be trying to run my first half-marathon soon! 
I've been doing a lot of cooking the past few weeks and have found my groove again, post holiday eating. There's this carrot soup that I posted several pictures down that I've made two weeks in a row and will take in my lunch that is SO good.
The obsession with all things oranges continues. 
My current favorite cookbook! I've had this one for several years and just recently pulled it back out again. I like how quick and easy the recipes are, while also being super tasty.

Gave my little art/exercise room/office space a refresh. I've had the treadmill 11 years and there's no telling how many miles I've logged on it. 
More food prep! I like to spend time on the weekends getting breakfast, lunches, and snacks prepped for the week. Pictured above is quinoa salad, walnut orange energy balls, and hummus.
This is the carrot soup I've been eating for lunch a lot lately. It has a lot of ginger and turmeric and is just lovely. Those are pumpkin seeds on top, which gives it a crunchy and salty taste.
This is typical of what I would pack for a long day, when I wouldn't be home until dinner. Well, this plus my homemade protein bars. This is hummus and bean chips, quinoa salad, and dairy free yogurt with blueberries and granola. I might not always eat everything I pack, but I definitely make sure I have enough to keep me full until dinner time.
Started a few pages of this! Have you read it?
Homemade falafel, hummus, and rice. 
Some afternoons I do a matcha latte instead of coffee. 
This is how I meal plan, every single week. I typically meal plan on Wednesdays/Thursdays and then get a grocery pick-up on Fridays. Having a good solid plan and some food prepped each week makes life go MUCH more smoothly I've found. I like to find recipe ideas in my cookbooks or online. I print the favorites out that I've found online and put them in a recipe binder.
Our sweet baby! We love our dog so very much and spoil her rotten.
I picked a bunch of dried weeds and put them in this basket on the porch. I thought they looked pretty!
It is definitely still fireplace season. I try to help Brett at least unload the wood from the back of his truck and on a really good day, get a pile of kindling to start fires with throughout the week. 

This is the soup I keep writing about. You should definitely give it a try!

I've found when I prep vegetables like this the girls will eat them. :) 
Just having a moment with my carrot/beet soup. This was not only pretty to look at, but tasted a bit more earthy than just the plain carrot soup. Don't beets taste like the actual earth? I think so. I do like them. 
I tried something new last week and made chia seed pudding. It was a weird texture but I actually really liked it a lot! 
Salad topped with avocado and hummus for a weekend lunch. 
You shouldn't be totally fooled by all of the healthy eating pics though. I do eat healthy most of the time, but still enjoy potato chips or chocolate just like everyone else occasionally! 

This sky caught my eye.
Feet up and a quick cup of coffee before needing to leave the house again.
This sky caught my eye too! I think this was on the way home. Honestly, I'm more like a taxi driver sometimes so I'm not sure which day I took this. I can't imagine a time when the girls are grown and not needing me to drive them places. It actually makes me sad to think about.

Just chillin' on a Friday night. I've been watching The Lost Kitchen the past couple of Friday nights. I love that show so much. It makes me tear up at least once every single time I watch it. The real question is-should I mail in a postcard sometime to try to get in to a dinner? 
Have you done it? 
I mean it's only in Maine.....
Well this was fun! I tried something new-swimming laps with the girls. This was after a 5.4 mile run so I was worn out afterwards. I loved it though and already can't wait to go back. 
Is there anything better than being home while it's raining and drinking a second cup of coffee?!
Not much. Also, Brett put this flannel in my closet and so I just layered up with it.

The few Nikon pics I have this time. 

This sun. WOW. Just wow. Sometimes when I notice light like this it's almost like I want to look around as if there were others in the room and say "are you seeing this?!" I would call this "having a moment". Just meaning, stopping to recognize that there is something heavenly and divine and breathtaking about that sunlight. 

Evening is lasting a little longer these days, the light staying out to play until past five! I could dance or jump for joy at the realization of it. You know what that means...spring and summer are coming. My ultimate high! 
Brett's been cleaning up the holler and we've had some of the most beautiful bonfires because of it. 

Other than all this, I've mostly been up to mom and work stuff. You can check out my library Instagram  to see all of that fun! I am Washington Wildcat Library

Things filling my mind: clothes and style, cooking, reading, people close to me, my students, gardening, travel, the homemade bread Anna is making in the morning, daydreaming of dinners outside, letting my hair turn grey, and the joy of swimming. 

How about you? What's keeping your hope, gratitude, and joy afloat these days? 
p.s.-just watched a Mr. Rogers special recently and his line "I like you just the way you are" is a good way to end this post.


  1. I always love the color in your photos. What a cute library!


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