Welcome to Room for the Rosy: a new blog.


Hi there and welcome to my third blog. I've been on a six month break from The Rosy Life blog, for no particular reason than it just felt time to let it go.  A few weeks ago I started noticing a prompting to honor "the many sides of Sara" (yes, I sometimes talk to myself like this!) and so I began picking up my camera and being more intentional with it again. I've certainly taken tons of photos over the past six months and have never for a single day forgotten to notice at least one beautiful or interesting thing or sliver of light.  But this prompting felt different. I surprised myself by having the recurring thought that maybe I'd want to start blogging again?.......
So I will and am, starting blogging again.  The name and reason for an entirely new blog comes from one season of life gently folding into another. My first blog was called "Torbett To Be" and chronicled the time frame from my engagement until our oldest daughter was around six months old, a span of many years!
  The next blog (and my most recent) was called The Rosy Life and detailed the daily ins and outs of raising not one, but two little girls, maneuvering grad school and Covid, and entering the working world again.  There was also plenty of photography and art thrown in.   This blog took place over 10 glorious years.
This blog is something different. I've found that having older kids means I want details of our family life kept private.  My time is also very different in this season than it's been in the past and my interests have changed-some just a little and others quite a bit.  For example, I started learning to be a runner about six months ago and so have given a lot of what precious free time I have to this new activity.  With the many areas of life that require my attention and time I was really woken up by a thought about two weeks ago. There MUST be time made for the rosy. I must allow the space in my soul and schedule to make room for it.  Life is quite simply, too fragile and precious not to.  Time will slip away whether we slow down to hone in on the sacred or not.  Our family has lost so much the past month..three different family members. What can I do to honor life and what we still hold here on earth as sacred? I think this is a start.

So this new blog will be about making room for the rosy, no matter how packed or empty your days are or everything else in between.  I'll be sharing these kinds of posts: 
Rosy Things
Real Life Style (I've taken a TON of outfit pics over the past few months!)
Rhythms, Routines, and Rituals

I hope you'll pop in and feel your spirits lifted each time you're here. 
Let me just go ahead and confess that I'm most certainly not up on all the latest Instagram//blogging trends nor do I have the time to keep up. So just check back here for blog posts once or twice a week. :) I have been posting on my library IG  a lot this year if you want to check that out. 

Thanks for joining me on this new adventure! 


  1. I'm so happy to see you back! I love your photos and posts and will definitely be following along. Are there blogging "trends"? If so I confess I am also in the dark!

    1. Hi Sarah! Thanks for being here in this new space! What I notice of Instagram lately is that everyone is trying to make catchy and funny reels. At least I think they're called reels...lol.

  2. Hey Sara, it's so good to see you back! Several of us have started blogging again! I think it's time to get away from knowing people in snippets, and getting back to diving into deeper content that blogging used to bring. Trends aside, just good old fashioned content is what I'm looking for and looking to share. Welcome back!

    1. Hi Debbie! Thanks for being here in this new space! Glad to hear you're blogging as well. :)

  3. Yay! ALWAYS love your blogs - photos and perspective on life.


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