Daily joys lately.

Good morning everyone! Are you well? Are you hanging in the December rush? It feels like a rush to me at least. I've tried to turn the month of December over in my mind and look at it from different angles to see how to get it to NOT feel so crammed full with to do's and I haven't figured it out yet. It's partly because we have two family birthdays this time of year, along with the holidays. Of course these are joyous occasions and something we look forward to, as are the holidays! My brain just has a lot of tabs open and is needing the creator and scheduler in me to be on more than I sometimes feel like they've been filled up with new ideas. I suppose I should mention I've had the c word sickness and it is really taking some time for me to feel back to normal. So, deep breaths and focusing on what I CAN do and collecting the joy that's just sitting there waiting are huge game changers. I know this to be very, very true. Also, grace for needing to rest or ...